Pursuant to A.R.S. ' 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Navigable Stream Adjudication Commission and to the general public that the Navigable Stream Adjudication Commission will hold a meeting open to the public on August 14, 2001 at 9:30 a.m. at the Arizona State Senate Building, Hearing Room 3, 1700 W. Washington, Phoenix, Arizona 85007.

Pursuant to A.R.S.  38-431.03(A)(3), the Navigable Stream Adjudication Commission may vote to go into Executive Session for purposes of obtaining legal advice from the Commission's attorney on any matter listed on the agenda, or pursuant to A.R.S. ' 38-431.03(A) or for discussion of records exempt by law from public inspection on any matter listed on the agenda.

Title 2 of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits the Commission from discriminating on the basis of disability in its public meetings.  Individuals with disabilities who need a reasonable accommodation to attend or communicate at the Commission’s meeting, or who require this information in alternate format, may contact George Mehnert at (602) 542-9214 to make their needs known.  Requests should be made as soon as possible so the Commission will have sufficient time to respond.  For those individuals who have a hearing impairment, this Commission can be reached through the Arizona Relay Service at 1-800-367-8939 (TTY) or 1-800-842-4681 (Voice).  The agenda for the meeting is as follows:


1.                  CALL TO ORDER.

2.                  ROLL CALL.

3.                  APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES (discussion and action).

A.                 May 16, 2001 (regular and executive sessions).

B.                 July 11, 2001 (teleconference).

4.                  COMMISSION MEMBER OATHS (discussion and action).

5.                  STATE LAND DEPARTMENT (discussion and action).

6.                  NEW STATUTES A.R.S.§37-1101 et seq (discussion and action).

7.                  FUTURE HEARINGS (discussion and action).

A.                 Anatomy of a Hearing.

B.                 Dates and Priorities.

8.                  DOCKETING AND EVIDENCE (discussion and action).

9.                  BUDGET ISSUES

10.              NOTICE OF INTENT TO STUDY WATERCOURSES (discussion and action).

A.                 Mohave County (All small and minor watercourses).

B.                 La Paz County (All small and minor watercourses).

C.                 Yuma County (All small and minor watercourses).

D.                Lower Salt River (Granite Reef Dam to the Gila River confluence).

11.              REPORT FROM DIRECTOR (discussion and action).

A.                 ANSAC Administrative Rules.

B.                 Advertising, web site domain and e-mail address.

C.                 Attorney invoice for professional services (Jennings, Haug & Cunningham).

1.                  Consideration of invoice for July services.

12.              CALL FOR PUBLIC COMMENT (comment sheets).

(Pursuant to Attorney General Opinion No. I99-006 [R99-002].  Public Comment:  Consideration and discussion of comments and complaints from the public.  Those wishing to address the Commission need not request permission in advance.  Action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter or rescheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.)


14.              ADJOURNMENT.


An agenda copy will be available at the Commission office at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting.


Dated this 8th day of August 2001




George Mehnert, Director

Navigable Stream Adjudication Commission